So over the last few weeks it has come to my attention that I am getting older...slipping away from youth more and more... Now, this isn't some call to arms for a mid-life crisis or anything, but I am noticing that so many of my friends and the people I see each day are coupling up if not already having babies. That old joke about gettin' knocked up seems to have found its triumphant punchline. Weddings, babies, divorces even... In the age old words of Kelly: "What the hell?!"
I see hipster couples pushing strollers with their kids around adorned in ironic vintage tees scaled down for baby. (Does your kid really listen to Suicidal Tendencies?) Tattooed throngs pushing their kiddies to and fro, gay men cooing into another damn over-priced perambulators... And those who once proclaimed that "selling out" was a fate worse than death now drive gas hogging expensive mini-vans while shopping at Whole Foods. I guess we all grow up eventually and "settle down" but as of late I am feeling torn. Am I the last one in my circle to grow up?
I saw one very cute, very hip couple the other day sitting in their new car just gazing into eachother's eyes as their baby sat asleep in the backseat. (Yes, the kid had a Clash shirt on.) I must say I felt a little jealous, yes. I realized that my gross "What the fuck is wrong with you guys! You totally sold out and look ridiculous!" momentary thought, was how my friends looked at me for three years when I was with Michael.... and then the two and half years with Keith... I was informed that "playing house" at my age was a waste of my time and that dancing and flitting from guy to guy was a better way to live. I didn't listen. I still don't really agree with their assesment as so much of those two doomed relationships taught me so much, and made me who I am today. I do think, however that my reaction had alot to do with wanting that feeling back. "Playing house" seems to be what everyone is aiming for these days and I have to say to all you bitches who gave me shit back then, good luck... enjoy it... I hope it works out and lasts forever. (See I'm not that bitter.) I want it too. I want those moments of hand holding, gazing into eyes, watching a movie at home while its rainy, cuddling up in the warm bed while its so cold outside... (Winter might be the cause of this nesting bout?) Who doesn't want that right? I know Paul in Atlanta can attest to this... My last "date" was a sad disaster that at leaast included a swim in a pool. (What? It was a hot day and i'm not above going on a date with someone for their pool, even though they were the most dull man I had met since moving here.) Perhaps I'm looking in all the wrong places. Is my next step a Match.com kind of website? Shall I call from the mountaintops of Griffith Park my predicament, or would that smack as too desperate? Hell, lying in the road is another sure fire way to stop traffic, don't put it past me.
I don't think I have ever just wanted to dance and flirt from guy to guy. I've always been the settling down type. The feeling of watching a movie or cuddling in bed go so much farther than the emptiness after a bad date or hook up. I say do what makes you happy and if playing house and settling down does it for you then go for it.
How's this- a walk down Elmwood Ave and looking at all the amazing architecture; stopping to get some coffee at Spot; sitting on a bench and just talking about our day, or politics, or goofy shit; going back home and cooking dinner; and sitting by the fireplace with Angus in our laps watching Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 until you fall asleep on my shoulder...
Come to Buffalo! :)
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