Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"moving: the saga" closin' in on the finish line

I can almost taste it.... rounding the corner and I can see the finish line, but there is just so much energy to expend before I get there! Tomorrow, we sign the lease. I'm releived and a little nervous. It's like getting on a new rollercoaster for the first time. You know basically what to expect, but there's still the fear and exhilaration that is all new, and all its own. I am releived that we got the place we did, some of the other options were far from fitting for what we were looking for. I think we had to see what sucked to see how perfect this place basically is. Now it is on to the other things at hand: Packing, which has begun and shows me just how much crap I have to pack still.... Telling the roommates I'm moving out, that will happen once I have the keys... and finding someone to move this heavy big shit, got some quotes going but still getting nervous as I hope to have it all moved by not this, but next Friday night. I don't wanna be in my current place a day longer than I have to. Here's to hoping its an affordable move and a happy experience all around.

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