At first it was a tad surreal and I started to think perhaps I was still dreaming, but after sitting up in bed, I found that my ears did not decieve me. I thought for a second it was some special surprise mariachi thing for someone's birthday or god knows what... Upon further inspection (thank you google) I found that today is Our Lady of Guadalupe Day! I have no idea how to celebrate this...
Most people in Mexico will celebrate by visiting the place where Juan Diego saw a vision of Mary and convinced the bishop to build a church. Apparently Miracles, corn cakes and paper roses are in abundance today. I dig it, lets just keep the horns to ourselves until after 8am please...

You should have dressed as Charo and screamed "COOCHEECOOCHEECOOCHEE!!!!"
I've never seen so many flowers and candles as I saw this weekend at Our Lady Queen of Angels in downtown LA, all for Our Lady of Guadalupe's feast day. The roses were piled around a tree maybe ten feet high and you could smell the burning candles from a block away. Not anything you ever experience in anglo LA.
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