Brace yourself Burning Man, cause my project this year is Black Rock Savings and Loan and i'm out to foreclose on people's theme camps! It's just my way of giving you all a taste of the American Dream.
"I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."
so true... the luggage thing I didn't fare too well on, but the rest I'm pretty good.
What a great name for a band...well one that will make sense for maybe another couple of years... but I can't stop watching this video for their song "Sophisticated Sideways Ponytail!"
Last year for Burning Man I made a mixed CD to give out as a gift to people on the playa. This year I decided to not only make a funky mix, but infuse it with this years very patriotic theme and my own take on this big ol' country of ours. There's some fun danceable moments, some bizarre takes on our past, and some good old fashioned schizophrenic mixtape-ology. Enjoy the ride and download it below now, included here is the artwork I made for one version. The final products include a small booklet in each and 2 different versions to switch things up a bit.
When you are tipsy and get back from the bar.... and turn on Bravo.... which is a channel you resepct, kinda....and see they are showing "Crossroads",,,,, with Britney.... on the same channel that shows "In The Actor's Studio".... You kinda wonder.... Then vomit a little in your mouth.... then blog about the experience.... I'm just saying....
Thank you Amy Sedaris for getting me through my Thursday!
This is probably what life could have been like for me if I had kept raising rabbits like I did when I was six. I had 18 rabbits at one point but only started with 2. That was about when I realized that is all it takes to multiply... I saw specks of blood and just thought they were fighting, I didn't have a clue they were getting it on! Hell, I even rode out the 6.0 earthquake we had in the 80's by getting stuck in that damn rabbit hutch that morning... Scary as hell with a wall of rabbits looking at me like: "Don't you fucking know what's happening?!"
What was not amazing: The annoying and rude Bob Costas! What a fucking idiot! Couldn't they find anyone else?! And seriously... that rug isn't much better than a certain someone I know's ugly dead cat toupee! Do you own a mirror?